The evening Graduation Course with Licensing for Teaching was created within the scope of the Programme to Support Federal University Restructuring and Expansion Plans - REUNI, instituted in 2007 by the Federal Government.

UFBA´s evening Graduation Course with Licensing for Teaching offers a public, free, qualified and socially referenced training aimed at teaching dance in basic education, as well as in non-formal educational contexts. The course serves the working citizen who is unable to carry out his\hers studies in the morning shift and, thus, contributes to different contexts of society through the training of dance teachers.

The Pedagogical Project of the Evening Graduate Course in Dance was developed on the same epistemological bases and legal frameworks that guided the proposal of curricular restructuring of the Graduate Course in Dance. It was approved by the Congregation of the Dance School on13, 2009, and by UFBA´s Graduate Teaching Chamber on September 1, 2009. The course was recognized by the MEC in 2015.

The new curricular structure of the Evening Graduate Course in Dance is marked by interdisciplinary modules, laboratories of artistic experiences such as learning, dance writing workshops and the innovative curricular extension. With special attention to the urgent demands of society - human rights, ethnic-racial, gender, sexuality, accessibility, sustainability and the environment - the curricular restructuring is aligned with the National Curricular Guidelines for initial training at higher education level and for continuing education at MEC.


Duration: 08 semesters
Total class load:3.200 h


The admission is made through SISU/ENEM, the residual vacancies and the Interdisciplinary Baccalaureate (BI) of UFBA. It is possible to request the continuity of the course and conclude the second qualification. 30 vacancies are offered annually.


The course's teaching staff works in Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses with expressive and diversified production in Teaching, Research and Extension, presenting, in its great majority: Master's, Doctorate and Postdoctoral Degree.


Matriz Curricular e Fluxograma Licenciatura Noturno
Matriz Curricular - 2024.1
Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Graduação Licenciatura em Dança - Matutino e Noturno